Personal Growth
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Discover our proven sales and business-building system that has helped hundreds of individuals just like you achieve sustainable growth and success.
Experience continuous mentorship and support through a combination of regular calls, webinars, and exclusive events designed to keep you on track and motivated.
Gain access to a diverse and proven lead generation system, exclusively available to The Delaney agents, designed to support and accelerate the growth of your business.
Jumpstart your career with fast-track, comprehensive training led by top experts from the Agency.
Discover the benefits of our True Contractual Agency Ownership Program, a unique opportunity that puts you in control of your career and future.
Grow to your full potential with an agency that provides everything you need – the tools, the resources and the support!
Explore insights from our professionals on how they built their career from the ground up.
Brian Delaney began his venture into business building in 2003 in the construction industry. Since that time he has grown 4 successful companies across just as many industries.
His unique approach, experience and perspective enables him to develop leaders and multiply the impact of the work they do together. Brian continues to grow his passion and expertise by taking direct aim at leadership development as the path to freedom.
He does this by synthesizing ancient wisdom and modern application to empower and equip those who partner with him to realize massive success and lasting fulfillment.
His faith and family are the backbone of the life that he lives and impact that he delivers. He is here to inspire others to unlock our potential and engage all of life at our highest capacity.
What were you doing before Symmetry and what was your approximate income?
I was a college basketball coach for 12 years. My income was never greater than $45,000.
What attracted you to Symmetry Financial Group?
My original attraction was simply a Lead System that would allow me to connect with people that were asking for our help. I walked through the door for the leads but I planted my flag for the leadership. Symmetry Financial Group, and in particular the Delaney Agency, is led by genuine men & women that had something special inside of them that needed to get out. Through a combination of relentless self-development, massive activity, & associating properly, they built a new belief in themselves. They became free. And I’ve learned that broken people break other people. But free people – free people. And our leadership team is on a mission to share the wealth of opportunity, but more importantly, to help free more people. Those were the type of people I wanted to become more with.
How has your life changed since joining Symmetry?
As a basketball coach I spent a disproportionate amount of time on my craft, while neglecting every aspect of my personal growth. Only now do I realize that my failings in that career were centered around my ability to be more. But strength comes from struggle – always has. I’ve learned in my time with this team that the two most important words in leadership are not “hear me”. Rather, they are “watch me”. I’m spending more time on myself today in preparation for what my team will need tomorrow.
What opportunities have you been able to do or provide because you started working with Symmetry Financial Group, that you likely would not have done or unable to in another career?
Own a business that can be passed on to our children or outlive me. If the last level of leadership is legacy – the opportunity with Symmetry Financial Group is second to none.
What advice do you have for a new agent?
There is incredible value in association and disassociation. Be prepared to leave some things behind…we all did. There are people in your life that don’t want you to be “too successful”. We call them dream-stealers. You call them friends & family. Symmetry Financial Group is a really hot fire on a cold night. Get close to it & then stay around long enough for us to get what’s buried inside of you – out.
What were you doing before Symmetry and what was your approximate income?
I am working is public food service programs. My income is average 60k.
What attracted you to Symmetry Financial Group?
The people, the system and the profitability
How has your life changed since joining Symmetry?
I learned how recognizing my self worth, I learned more about my values and how to live authentically honoring what’s important to me and my family.
What opportunities have you been able to do or provide because you started working with Symmetry Financial Group, that you likely would not have done or unable to in another career?
paid public speaking and home ownership
What advice do you have for a new agent?
Recognize when you speak the words “I thought that…..” or “I just feel like….”
that’s it, just recognize how you speak.
Become a better listener by asking more curious questions.
What were you doing before Symmetry and what was your approximate income?
Hostess at market research firm $15k.
What attracted you to Symmetry Financial Group?
The culture and the people! As well as the ability to work my own schedule, not someone else’s.
How has your life changed since joining Symmetry?
I can support my family(I have a disabled husband) without killing myself! And I have time and energy to do the things that are important to me and to spend time with my family and friends.
What opportunities have you been able to do or provide because you started working with Symmetry Financial Group, that you likely would not have done or unable to in another career?
I have been able to go on some incredible trips that I would not have taken on my own or been able to afford. I have been able to work, learn and grow along side of some great leaders! I have been encouraged to be a better version of myself. And I have been able to share this opportunity with others as I work to build my own business.
What advice do you have for a new agent?
The first 90 days can be a challenge, DON’T quit on yourself! If I can do this, you can too!